Multiple Advances

What are multiple advances, how can I request for it? How to claim expenses against multiple advance accounts?

Jahaber Sathik avatar
Written by Jahaber Sathik
Updated over a week ago

If your organization has enabled multiple advances, you can request for the same. Each advance requested by you will show up as a separate advance account. Advances can be requested for specific purposes and you can fyle expense/expenses against a particular advance issued. To request for an advance,

  • Open the Advance section from the Left Panel and click on Request Advance

Button to raise a request for advance
  • Fill in the necessary details and click on Submit Request

Advance request form

When you open any advance request - whether it is submitted or is in Draft state, you will find a list of all the advances issued to you previously and the balance in each account

Tracking previously issued advances

To Fyle an expense against the advance issued, you can select the corresponding Advance account when submitting an expense as follows

  • In the Add/ Edit expense screen you will be able to see multiple Advance Account under Payment Mode

Select the advance account wherein advances are issued by the admin

Select the appropriate Advance Account and fill in other required details to save the expense.

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