Compliance and control at scale, easily automated

Replace the manual and inaccurate
compliance process and maintain control over
the company finances with Fyle.

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The problem with manual compliance

  • Expensing piles of physical receipts manually can lead to errors.
  • Fraudulent expenses slip through the cracks and adds up to large sums of money being wasted.
  • Manually ensuring all expenses are compliant is a huge waste of time for the finance teams.
  • Lack of properly detailed audit trails results in company being put in a risky audit situation.
  • Finance teams will not be able to focus on higher value tasks.
  • Manual compliance process remains unscalable.
  • Employees tend to ignore business rules due to confusion or ignorance.

Here’s how Fyle automates compliance from the beginning


Compliance with Fyle


Digital audit trail

Track all data and actions related to receipts, expenses, approvals and payments with Fyle and store them in an audit-ready, accounting-friendly format.

Digital audit trail
Receipt compliance

Receipt compliance

Ensure constant compliance with automatic receipt attachment, unlimited cloud storage and extensive searchability features - all in a ready-to-account fashion.

Business rules configuration

Design intricate business rules or policies based on employee groups or expense parameters like amount, projects, categories, level, department and cost centres ensuring every expense is compliant from the start.

Business rules configuration
Fraud detection

Fraud detection

Check for fraud (fictitious, overstated expenses), dubious merchants, duplicates, weekend or holiday expenses or unusual spends before it’s even submitted automatically by Fyle.

Tax groups

Add multiple tax groups and enable employees to choose their corresponding tax groups while creating an expense.

Tax groups
Exchange rates

Exchange rates

Manually set the exchange rate for converting a foreign currency to your home currency for a particular time period easily with Fyle.

Billable expenses

Easily account for project-led expenses when receipts, budgets, categories are centralized within Fyle.

Billable expenses
Mileage and per diem rates

Mileage and per diem rates

Manage multiple per diem rates for employees or configure custom mileage rates for different vehicle types according to government guidelines and ensure maximum compliance with Fyle.


Control your finances with Fyle


Multi-org setup

Manage multiple entities of your company with multi-orgs. Add a different home currency to every org in Fyle depending on locations or employee groups.

Multi-org setup
Spend analytics

Spend analytics

Analyze the spend behaviour of the organization based on categories, departments, projects, business units and cost centers.

Real-time, actionable data

Stay on top of organization spend, financial operations and risks - all in real-time with actionable data analytics.

Real-time, actionable data
Budget spend data

Budget spend data

Control overheads and forecast accurate spends by ensuring the organization or department stays under budget with real-time and actionable budget data.

Risk Analytics

Control risk related to expenses by analyzing changes in spend behaviour, weekend expenses, and by identifying policy violators.

Risk Analytics
IP Access control

IP Access control

With tight IP restrictions, ensure that account admins will be allowed to perform critical actions only from trusted premises.

SSO Configuration

Enable employees to sign in to their Fyle account using existing credentials with ease.

SSO Configuration

There’s more to Fyle than automated compliance and robust control configurations.

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