Expense management automation

The Challenges In Expense Management: What's Really Bothering CXOs and CPAs

March 26, 2024
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Let's face it: expense management can be a tedious nightmare. 

We've all been there - drowning in receipts, wrestling with confusing categorization systems, and waiting forever for reimbursements.  But what if things could be different?  

We recently contacted various professionals to hear their war stories and what they wish their expense management system could do. Get ready for some real talk!

Data Disconnect

Eran Mizrahi, CEO of Ingredient Brothers, pinpoints the lack of integration between their expense management system and existing financial systems as a major hurdle. This disconnect creates data inaccuracy and necessitates duplicate data entry, slowing the entire process.

"The lack of integration between our expense management system and our existing financial software is a real pain point," says Mizrahi. "It creates errors in our data because we have to enter everything twice, and it just slows the whole process down."

Mobility Matters

Source: The New York Times

Ethan Keller, President of Dominion, emphasizes the importance of a mobile-friendly platform for expense management.  He argues that on-the-go expense submission and approval enhances flexibility and efficiency, particularly for remote employees and frequent travelers.  

Furthermore, he highlights the value of real-time data and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology for streamlining receipt management.

"In today's fast-paced work environment, a mobile-friendly expense management platform is essential," asserts Keller. "Being able to submit and approve expenses while on the go makes things so much more efficient, especially for our remote staff and those who travel a lot. Plus, having real-time data and OCR technology for receipts would be a game-changer."

Manual Mayhem

Manual processes create a significant burden, from data entry woes to confusing categorization. Karina Newman, the owner of the ibuyers app, identifies manual data entry as a root cause of errors and delays in expense tracking. 

She acknowledges the challenges associated with expense categorization, pointing out that unclear or intricate processes can lead to misclassifications and hinder effective budget planning and spending analysis.

"Manually entering expense data is a recipe for errors," says Newman. "It's easy for mistakes to happen, which can throw off our entire financial picture. On top of that, our current categorization system is just confusing. It's hard to keep track of where everything is going, which makes it difficult to budget effectively."

Integration Isn't Seamless

Riva Jeane May Caburog, PR/Media Coordinator at Nadrich & Cohen, expresses frustration with the lack of smooth integration between their expense management tool and accounting software.  

She describes the situation as akin to  "two systems that speak different languages," necessitating a significant amount of manual effort to achieve synchronization. To address this challenge, Caburog advocates for implementing a direct API connection.

"It feels like our expense management tool and accounting software speak different languages," says Caburog. The amount of manual work it takes to get everything to sync up is crazy. An API connection between the two systems would be a lifesaver. There would be no more data entry errors, and our financial reporting would be spot-on."

The Credit Card Conundrum

Source: The New York Times

Syncing expense management systems with credit card providers can be a frustrating dance. Campbell Tourgis, Executive VP & Chief Operating Officer at Wainbee, grapples with the difficulty of syncing their system, resulting in delays and impacting the accuracy of their financial reports. Their team is actively seeking an upgrade.

"Syncing our expense management system with our credit card providers has been a nightmare," reveals Tourgis. 

"The delays in getting real-time transaction information mess up our reconciliation process, and sometimes our financial reports aren't even accurate. We're looking to upgrade to a system that has a smoother data exchange with our credit card companies. That way, everything will be processed faster, and our reports will be reliable."

The Dream Expense Management System

Imagine a system that seamlessly integrates with your credit card providers for smoother data exchanges, connects with your existing financial tools, offers real-time mobile access, eliminates the need for manual data entry, and uses OCR to transform receipts into digital data.  

With customizable reporting features and clear categorization options, you'll gain valuable insights into your spending habits and empower smarter financial decisions.

Is this the expense management system of your dreams?

Fyle: The End of Your Expense Management Nightmares

Your expense management dreams needn’t be just a fantasy - Fyle can make it a reality. 

From effortless expense reporting to real-time data sync with your credit card providers and automatic expense categorization, Fyle takes the pain out of expense management for both employees and finance teams. Here’s how:

Real-Time Credit Card Feeds

Say goodbye to manual data entry! Fyle integrates seamlessly with major credit card networks like Visa, Mastercard, and American Express, giving you instant access to your credit card transaction data.  

Whenever an employee uses the company card, they'll receive a text message prompt. Simply reply with a picture of the receipt, and Fyle's magic will do the rest - automatically matching it to the corresponding transaction.  Reconciling and collecting receipts can be done in under 2 minutes, with no manual effort required.

Did you know that 85% of Fyle users submit their receipts right at the time of purchase? Find out how.

Seamless Integrations With Your Accounting Tools

Forget complicated code and lengthy setups. Fyle offers seamless, self-serve integrations with popular accounting software like QuickBooks Online, Desktop, Sage Intacct, Sage 300, Xero, and NetSuite. The average time to connect Fyle with QuickBooks? A lightning-fast 12.6 minutes!

Fyle takes care of everything, automatically importing data like employees, projects, categories, and even accounting codes. It can even export your expenses in real time as bills, journal entries, or credit card charges. This translates to major time savings and eliminates manual work for your accounting team.

Real-Time Spend Visibility 

Never be in the dark about your organization's finances again. Fyle’s dynamic spend dashboard provides real-time insights into company card spending. This empowers you to track expenses as they happen, identify spending trends, and make data-driven financial decisions at a moment’s notice.

In Conclusion

Fyle's innovative features, from real-time credit card integrations to automatic receipt capture, streamline the entire process for both employees and finance teams. With customizable reports, you can gain valuable spending insights and make informed financial decisions. 

Stop dreaming of a better expense management system – experience it with a Fyle demo today! 

Effortless expense management for all business spends. Earned time, saved costs, improved productivity, happy employees - achieve it all with a single software.

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