Never lose Project profits to accounting errors. Bill clients accurately and on time. Always.

Track and manage billable expenses for every Project easily with Fyle’s expense management software.

Never lose Project profits to accounting errors. Bill clients accurately and on time. Always.

Managing Project expenses with Fyle

Head of Project dashboards

Create customized dashboards for Project heads to allow them 360 degree insights into the project.

Know top spend categories, policy violators, budget spend analytics and more at a single glance.

Head of Project dashboards
Export billable expenses

Export billable expenses

Easily select expenses that need to billed to your client and export them from Fyle.

Choose only the fields that you need to show your client to ensure data security.

Project-based compliance

Ensure that all expenses belonging to a project are compliant from the point of submission.

Set rules that ensure that certain categories or vendors always require approval from the project head.

Always stay compliant
Project-based compliance
Set budgets for projects

Set budgets for projects

Prevent overspending by setting weekly, monthly or quarterly budgets for each project.

Keep a budget spend by notifying project heads when a threshold limit is crossed.

Control overheads with real-time tracking of budgets

Map expenses to projects

Allow employees to specify which project each expense belongs to.

Employees can set their current project as default, to auto map all their expenses to said project.

Map expenses to projects
Split expenses by projects

Split expenses by projects

Employees working on multiple projects can split their expenses between projects.

Avoid the risk of duplicate expenses being claimed by the same employee.

Add and assign projects

Bulk upload existing projects or add in incoming projects individually into Fyle.

Easily assign users to projects, add levels such as project head, project manager, project lead etc for approval hierarchies.

Add and assign projects
Selective assignment of projects

Selective assignment of projects

Restrict the list of projects that an employee can see while submitting expenses.

Maintain abstraction about different projects in the company, and reduce the risk of incorrect expense mapping.

Restrict expense categories

Disable certain categories for members belonging to different projects.

Reduce risk of irrelevant expenses by limiting what expenses project members are allowed to submit.

Restrict expense categories

Know the true cost of each ongoing project with Fyle

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